So that’s enough from Kasi. Now it’s my turn. My name is Lara. I sometimes look a little bit wild, but I am really quite placid (well, usually). I actually have a totally different name: Karlyermai Maid O’Koolyn. You see, I come from Australia, that’s where I got my great name from. My people in Perth called me Angel and my people here in Germany call me Lara. Because I am so clever, I can handle all of these names. When I don’t feel like being disturbed, I only listen to the name which is not being called!
I am very happy with my beautiful, light coat, even though my tail is black. That is just my style. A small accentuation of fashion!
My people here also like to call me Moth. Then they either think I have been up to something – which is certainly not the case – or it is time for a cuddle. The last thing is my most favourite, because then there is almost always a tasty little treat.
And here is my paw-print too.
My Pedigree
Lara was our very first foreign import. She comes from the famous Karlyermai Kennel from Sally Baxter in Perth/ Western Australia.
Her name Maid O’Koolyn as well as the name Karlyermai come from the Aboriginal language and pay homage to her home in Swan Valley. Lara is our full-blooded woman!
Her Titles:
* German Champion KfT
* Belgium Champion
* Rhineland Champion 2008
* Champion Luxemburg
* Champion Netherlands
And here are some pictures of me